Bible Study Resources


How Biblical Exposition Works

This document is a handout I have used when I have led studies on Biblical exposition. It is a visual outline of the process of exposition and how to avoid dangerous practices (the “minefield”). The concept is not original to me, but I have heard so many variations on the concept in so many forums that I’m not sure who to credit for the original ideas. I did, however, compile this handout myself.  You are free to print it and use it.

Questions to Ask in Expository Study

This worksheet is another handout from studies I’ve led on Biblical exposition. It is also very similar to what I use in sermon preparation in order to get the key information from the text. I have cobbled this questionnaire together over the years by pulling in elements from various courses and conferences, to create a resource that is helpful to me. You are also free to print and use this one as needed.

Training Videos

The videos below record a two-part training I led at my church in the summer of 2024 on how to conduct an expository Bible study. I used the two handouts above and taught the church how to work through the questions. We used Genesis 3:8-19 as our sample text, but pulled in other Biblical examples when necessary to show how we would answer these questions.

Helpful Materials for Expositional Studies

Below, I am listing some resources that I find generally helpful. It is not a blanket endorsement of the viewpoints presented within these resources or by their authors more broadly.

General Resources

Resources for Background Information

Resources for Cross-Referencing & Topical Studies

Resources for Word Studies

Noteworthy Commentaries

Greek New Testament Resources