Category: Teaching

The Master of the Wind

Text: Mark 4:35-41, KJV Series: Individual Messages (2013 Series), Pt. 12 Date: Sunday morning, May 26, 2013 Venue: Eastside Baptist

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Misplaced Trust

Text: Hosea 8:8-14, KJV Series: Our God Was Still there (2013), Pt. 12 Date: Sunday evening, May 12, 2013 Venue:

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Our Children Must Learn

Text: II Timothy 1:3-5, KJV Series: Individual Messages (2013 Series), Pt. 11 Date: Sunday morning, May 12, 2013 Venue: Eastside

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You Can’t Fool God

Text: Hosea 8:1-7, KJV Series: Our God Was Still there (2013), Pt. 11 Date: Sunday evening, April 28, 2013 Venue:

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