Category: Teaching

The Reign of Solomon

Text: I Kings 5–9, 11; II Chronicles 2–8, NASB Series: Bible Survey (2021-2023), Pt. 42 Date: Wednesday evening, June 22,

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A Prescription for Peace

Text: Philippians 4:2-7, NKJV Series: Philippians (2022), Pt. 12 Date: Sunday morning, June 19, 2022 Venue: Central Baptist Church —

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A Transition of Power

Text: I Kings 2–3; I Chronicles 22–29; II Chronicles 1, NKJV Series: Bible Survey (2021-2023), Pt. 41 Date: Wednesday evening,

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Where Our Loyalty Belongs

Text: Philippians 3:17–4:1, NKJV Series: Philippians (2022), Pt. 11 Date: Sunday morning, June 12, 2022 Venue: Central Baptist Church —

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