Rejoicing in Truth is the Bible-teaching ministry of Jared Byrns. Many Bible-teaching ministries have names (e.g., John MacArthur’s Grace to You or Adrian Rogers’ Love worth Finding), so when he began publishing his teaching materials online around 2010, Jared chose the name Rejoicing in Truth. The name was derived from III John 3-4, and the joy that the Apostle John experienced when seeing his followers walking in the truth.

The name is also used as the title of Jared’s sermon podcast and as the imprint under which his books are published.

Rejoicing in Truth Ministries has been established as a non-profit corporation in the State of Oklahoma. Its board of directors provides legal and financial oversight to our online efforts.

Jared is the Pastor of Central Baptist Church in Lawton, Oklahoma; the President of Rejoicing in Truth Ministries; and the voice of both of our podcasts—Rejoicing in Truth and Stump the Preacher. You can learn more about Jared here.

Rejoicing in Truth Ministries is an independent entity, not formally affiliated with any denominational organization. However, Jared pastors a Southern Baptist church, and our bylaws require all members of our board of directors to be active members of Baptist churches. Our ministry also fully affirms The Baptist Faith and Message, as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 2000. The teachings promoted in our materials reflect a conservative, evangelical, and Baptist theology.
As a general summary of our beliefs…
  • We are theologically conservative, evangelical, and Baptist, in full agreement with The Baptist Faith and Message (2000) of the Southern Baptist Convention.
  • We are fully committed to the inspiration, inerrancy, authority, reliability, and sufficiency of the Bible as the Word of God.
  • We are neither Calvinist nor Arminian by any common definition of those terms; instead, we embrace a “Provisionist” soteriology, or what has occasionally been referred to by others as the “traditional” Southern Baptist view of the plan of salvation.
  • We believe in a pretribulation Rapture and the premillennial Second Coming of Christ while recognizing our own incomplete understanding of future events and admitting that a variety of eschatological views fall within the spectrum of Biblical orthodoxy.
  • We affirm the literal truth of the Genesis account of creation.
  • We affirm the traditional, Biblical view of marriage as a covenant between one man and one woman.
A more thorough statement of our beliefs can be found here.

Rejoicing in Truth Ministries does not solicit or accept donations from the public at this time. Our necessary operating budget is currently supplied by our board members.

If you’re looking for a ministry to support financially above and beyond your contributions to your local church, we recommend Central Baptist Church of Lawton, the Pregnancy Resource Center of SW Oklahoma, or Trinity Christian Academy of Lawton.

We do not sell any books or ebooks directly. All of that is done by Amazon. If you experience a problem with your order, please contact Amazon’s customer service directly to resolve it.

We go to great lengths to offer as much of our content as possible free of charge and without soliciting donations. Because of the cost of producing books, we cannot widely offer them for free online. However, in most cases, we have set the retail price so close to cost that the royalties come out to a few cents per copy. Factoring in the copies that Jared gives away in the course of his personal ministry, we still run a financial loss on books. If there’s a book you are interested in, and you cannot afford a paperback from Amazon, contact us, and we may be able to send you a PDF.